Little Blue Penguin

Elsha’s little blue penguin report
The little blue penguin is a bird and mammal. Their scientific name means (good little diver). They will also travel 15-75 km each day.

The little blue penguin is the world’s smallest penguin and stand just over 23cm when they are young and grow up to 33cm. They weigh about 1kg as an adult plus live up to 6-5 years wow! The little blue penguin has a white tummy and under parts with a blue top of head and top of flippers.

Little blue penguins have been around for 50,000 years and live in warm costal areas in southern Australia and coastlines in New Zealand. They can also be found offshore islands. The little blue penguin has been recorded diving as deep as 60 meters.

The little penguin eats fish, squid, krill, barnacles, small cray fish and small shellfish. The little blue penguin has a small life cycle they start as an egg then after 39 days the egg will hatch then will soon come out of the egg and be a chick. Little blue penguins are good swimmers and “fly” threw the water. They can swim up to 65km per hour and can stay under water for 24 hours and can sleep in the water. 

The little blue penguin will go back to where they where born to breed. The little blue penguin is the world’s smallest penguin they eat small animals and like to live in warm areas.


Niamh little blue penguins

Little Blue Penquin

The Little Blue penguins scientific name is Eduyptula minor and it means good little diver and the little blue penguins travel 15-75 km at sea each day.

The little blue penguin is the worlds smallest penguin and stand just over 25cm high and weigh around 1kg when an adult. Little blue penguins are very smart.

Dynamics:life cycle:
first the little blue penguin will lay up to two eggs,then the egg will hatch, then there will be a chick and then adults.
What they eat:
Little blue penguins eat different types of food like  fish, krill , squid, barnacles,small crayfish and small shellfish.
How they swim:
The little blue penguin uses its webbed feet to drive themselves threw the water and some people say they look like they are flying threw the water. 
The little blue penguins will go to the exact same beach they came from and the adult birds come to shore between May and June to prepare nests. They will breed once a year and after 8 weeks the chicks are ready to go and hunt for themselves. 

Little blue penguins have been seen diving as deep as 60 meters. They are found in most of the New Zealand cost-line and Southern  Australia.

the adult birds come to shore between May and June to prepare nests,they are the worlds smallest penguin , there scientific name is Eduptula minor meaning good little diver and they travel 15-75 km at sea each day.

Little blue penguin by Aidan

The little blue penguin is a flightless bird but a speedy swimmer. The little blue penguin is also known as a fairy penguin in Australia. The scientific name for the little blue penguin is Eudyptula minor  and it’s family name is Speniscidae and it’s the smallest penguin in the world.

The little blue penguin is blue and it’s got blue or brown eyes also it is 1kg at max weight. They are 40cm and 33cm high at adult age. They have waterproof feathers keeping them warm on very cold  days. There flippers help them swim and there feet are used to go faster in the water plus there belly can be used to slide down ice cold banks. The blue penguin uses it’s beak to get food for it’s young and it’s self.


The blue penguin lives around the coast of NZ and Australia but has had sightings at Chile and Motunau Island. The first blue penguin was alive around 50mya. The blue penguin lives in burrows dug by the male in sand banks or they just live in the water near land.

Dynamics : diet
The blue penguin eats a variety of things like small fish they also eat crabs and  small squid.

Dynamics : breeding
The blue penguin will return exact same beach it was born at to lay its eggs and that could be round the coastal shores of NZ, Australia and the Chatham’s island. To find breeding  blue penguins look  around the places above between July and October. There are 8,000 breeding pairs of  blue penguin. They start breeding when there 3 or 4

dynamics : predators
The little blue penguin has many predators sharks, barracuda , whales , dogs , weasels , cats , possums and humans are all  predators.

Dynamics : life cycle
The blue penguin lays eggs once it’s 3 or  4 and will lay between July and October then it will raise it’s young between September and December. When moulting they will be 5 years old and loose feathers and grow them back between November – December- January and February. When moulting the penguin looses all it’s feathers and 15 days later it will have all it’s feathers back but until then they won’t eat ,drink or go back in the water because there feathers are waterproof.

 or go back in the water because there feathers are waterproof.

The little blue penguin is not endangered it is actually

Least concerned and it is the smallest penguin and one of the longest living penguin in the world.


  1. awesome work elsha
    love niamh

  2. nice work owen n
    you might want to say who it was

    1. you might have to say as well who commented
      -Owen N

  3. “great work Niamh, you’ve covered some amazing and interesting facts about the little blue penguin – well done, love Mum (Chris)”.

  4. great work Aidan
    from Niamh and Kealy

  5. Sam
    LOL too cute very good work and facts Aidan Toby Owen
    #Emojis are crazy

  6. #goodworkevery1
