Colossal Squid

The Colossal Squid

The Colossal squid is a type of squid. It belongs to the Crandiidae family. The colossal squid is the biggest squid in the world.

A colossal squid is red. It also, has eight arms and two tentacles with sharp hooks at the end to prey. It's eye is the size of a large plate. There is one way to tell a male and a female apart. The females are bigger than the males, the beak is also a good way to them apart, the females beak is also bigger than the males.

The colossal squid swims in the dark zone, and lives near Antarctica, South America, New Zealand. It  also likes freezing waters, that are 1000m under the water. A colossal squid habitat is extremely remonte, that makes it different to observe.

Dynamics- Life Cycle
The life cycle is the same as any other squid. So it starts off as an egg, then once it hatches, it swims around. This is called a mini squid/ baby squid, it's a small squid. Then it grows into a colossal squid, a very big squid. Then two squids breed and have eggs. Then the process starts all over again. Colossal squid also lives for 1 year.

Colossal squids eat anything that moves, even a human! It needs about 30g a day, daily.

The only danger the colossal squid is the sperm whale. Lots of squid parts end up in a sperm whale.

There isn't much information about the colossal squid, because it's habitat is hard to observe, but males lack a organ called hectocotylus but use their penis instead. Sperms have scars on their backs, nobody knows why. Males, also, turn bright yellow to tell a female they like them.

Like the breeding, there is not much information, there is only a few things, they change colour, we used  to send flowers and different colours meant different feelings.

The colossal squid is very rare but even though they are rare, they are caught sometimes. There you have it! That is a colossal squid.

Tyler colossal squid

A colossal squid is a type of squid. It belongs to the crancide family. Their eyes are 25cm wide. 

They have two tentacles and eight arms. Their colour is red. The size of a colossal squid weighs up to 495kg and is 39-46 feet. 

They live in freezing cold water, 1000m deep. They can be found in Africa, america, New Zealand and Australia. 

Colossal squids eat large fish. They attack sperm shakes and big fish. The life cycle begins with the eggs, small squid, big squid and 
breed. They have 3 hearts . Their prey is anything that moves.

The colossal squid is the biggest squid and it weighs 495kg. It is quite rare and it lives in deep, dark water. The colossal squid is really fast even though it's big. 

Colassal Squid by William L

Colossal Squid

The colossal squids phylum is mollusa. They ( mollusa ) are invetabrates or animals without a backbone. The colossal squid belongs in the family cranchiidae and is the biggest squid in the world.

The colossal squid can become 7 meters long and 500kg. It's eyes are the size of dinner plates and are the biggest eyes in the world. They have 8 arms and 2 tentacles, both with hooks that can spin around 360 degrees. scientists say it's a carnivore.

It lives in the Antarctic ocean mostly or the Ross Sea. It lives in freezing waters, 1000m or 1km in the sea.

The colossal squid eats big fish like the antarctic tooth fish or other squid. It lays eggs and not live babies. The biggest egg has been found to be the size of a beanbag.

The colossal squid's phylum is mollusa. They have the biggest eyes in the world. they live in the Antarctic ocean. It lays eggs and not babies and has 3 hearts. It is believed to be the inspiration of the legend of the Kraken. There are only 3 intact specimens. One in Te Papa. Visit this site to see it.

                                                                          Colossal squids

The colossal squid belongs to the family cranchiidae which means squid.  Its scientific name is mesonychoteuthishamitoni. It only takes minutes to eat its food when successfully caught.

The colossal squids parts do many things and has many colours. The colossal squid is bland pink and humongus in size. Its known to have 3 hearts. The biggest one ever caught was 495 kilograms and 6.5 meters in length and 2 meters in width. The beak is used to eat its prey also it has big sharp hooks that dig in the preys flesh. It has a massive eye to see in the deep sea.

The colossal squid lives in the deeper oceons and seas of New zealand some parts of Afraca and the Artic waters. They live 1000 meters or deeper which is extremly remote for people to get to. They come up higher in the off spring.

Colossal squids only have one known predator that is the sperm wale that is because six colossal squids have been found in sperm whales.Sperm whales are around the same size as colossal squids.


The only thing people know colossal squids eat is tooth fish. They know that because when a colossal squid was cought it had a tooth fish wrapped around its tentacles

To catch its prey the colossal squid has extremley sharp hooks that rotate around and around they are located on each tentacle and has many hooks. It has arms to grab the prey then the beak like a bird is used for eating the prey.
                                                                         Life cycle
The colossal squid has a life cycle just like a normal squid. First the mother lays eggs in pods up to 3000 eggs and follow the mother for months. Then there a baby then a adult then a mature adult in 3 years. Then it reapets itself again and again.

the colossal squid is very special because there is not info about it. It is bad because it lives in a remote place which is 1000 meters or deeper. There is only one ever been cought alive and now it is in a museum called te papa
                                                                    by William H 


  1. Thank You Mrs Carr for setting up a blog!

  2. Great writing from everyone even though there is not much info about these mysterious sea creatures
    -Owen N

  3. I like your diagram and the amazing facts
