cookie Cutter shark

Paige’s Cookie cutter shark report
Cookie cutters are from the Dalatiidae family. Another name for the shark is Cigar shark. When they bite instead of having a line bite it’s a circle.

A Cookie cutter is brown, grey and can glow in the dark. There size is roughly 42-56cm and 17-22 in length. There top jaw can have 30-37 teeth and there lower jaw can have 2531 teeth and there weight is unknown.

The first part of the life cycle is the egg is made inside the mother. Then it hatches and the pup comes out for the first time. The mother will leave the pup alone to live. So the pup will now have to teach its self-how to survive in the sea.
A Cookie cutter shark can eat very large animals nearly 10+ there size!
They like to eat large fish such as Wales, Dolphins, tuna, seals and other sharks. One thing about their name is after its habit of eating. To get their prey they’re very sneaky. Their ruby lips allow t to attach itself to its prey like a suction cup. They then rip a piece and eats.

Cookie cutters live in deep waters like the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, Australia and Africa. At night Cookie cutters come up to the surface and at darn they go back down.


When they bite they rip 360degrees. When they eat they don’t actually kill the animal and when they are born they are left all own to life.


  1. Cool diagram and facts.
    From Owen S.

  2. i like how you put lots of facts by CULLAN

  3. i like all the facts that you had paige but who is the one at the top

  4. I like how you did you classifiction and your descrition by

    I like how you did your descrition

  5. I like how you did you classifiction and your descrition by

    I like how you did your descrition

  6. i like all the facts they were realy good by dylan:)
