Lantern Fish

lantern fish by Dylan

Lantern fish by Dylan


Lantern fish belong to the family of Myctophidae they produce alot of  bioluminescence .

Lantern fish have more than 1 row of teeth . On its forhead it has a small lantern like piece to produce bioluminescence small fins help it swim fast away from its predators they have a small dorsal fin fo their size .

Lantern fish live in the midnight zone all around the world only swimming up to feed or track the planktons migration they live 300-1500 meters deep .

Lantern fish are eaten by sharks, squids, penguins, whales and sea birds how ever they migrate away from these as well as following the plankton for food because it is their main food source they one of the few creatures with unguarded spawn they have a simple lifecycle .

Lantern Fish makes up 65% of the seas biomass even though so little is known about them :)

By Dylan


Lanternfish are from the Myctophidae family.  Their estimated global weight is 550-600 million tonnes. There are over 200 different types of Lanternfish.

Lanternfish have a large bluntly rounded head with large elliptical to round eyes. They have a slender compressed body with small silvery cycloid scales, Lanternfish generally have small scales. They have a large mouth with jaws closely set together to eat their prey. Lanternfishes are known for producing bioluminescense. They aren’t threatened.

Lanternfish generally live worldwide.They live from a depth of 1,200-3,000 meters deep but they come up at night to feed on the plankton.Their most common location is The Mediterranean Sea or in the north Atlantic Ocean.

Lanternfish eat plankton when they come onto the surface at night. Lanternfish give off a chemical reaction called bioluminescense. Bioluminescense is given off by tiny organs known as photophores. Lanternfishes biggest threat is humans. They get hunted in the Gulf of Oman, off the coast of South Africa and in the sub-antarctic.

The Lanternfish is a non-threatened animal that lives worldwide. The Myctophidae eats plankton at night.

By Cam


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  2. They look so scary but are but are eaten by the unpredictible {Penguins}
    Never knew penguins ate them.
    Owen N

  3. amazing
    all penguins can eat it
    #whats up
